The basis of pumpkin soup is the pumpkin puree and if you can't get a pumpkin, canned puree is fine. Of course, making your own pumpkin puree is better (and more fun, no?).
Pumpkin Soup
(recipe adopted from BBC Good Food )
4 tbsp olive oil
2 onion , finely chopped
1kg pumpkin (peeled, deseeded and chopped into chunks)
700ml chicken stock
142ml double cream
4 slices wholemeal seeded bread
1. Heat 2 tbsp olive oil in a saucepan, then place 2 tbsp onions and gently cook till soft and not coloured. Add 1kg of the chopped pumpkins (chopping the pumpkin was a workout) , and cook further for 10mins till it softens and golden.
2. Pour the chicken stock in the pan and season with salt and pepper. Bring to a boil and simmer of another 10 mins till very soft. Pour the double cream, bring back to boil again. Use a blender to make the puree.
3. While the soup is cooking, slice your favourite bread (we used batard, a shorter version of baguette).
4. You may now serve your pumpkin soup to your friends, family or just yourself to enjoy!
We were pleasantly surprised that we actually made it because everything was from scratch. Do look forward for more of our brunch series! So,
这一次早午餐的料理, 我们决定不再用鸡蛋,培根与三文鱼。我们想挑战新的食材与料理,让这个早午餐更有意义。因此,我们制作了金瓜浓汤。说难是不难,但就是得花时间与精力去切,搅与煮。凡事都没有“捷径”可走, 做人或做事要脚踏实地,在不犯错误的前提下踏实地去做才能成功。就像做料理的时候,用心得把每一个食材弄好,其实再复杂的料理也不是个问题,反而是个享受的过程。其实,我是因为那一天在某家咖啡馆里,品尝到了浓郁的金瓜汤,可能下雨的关系,喝起来感觉心里暖暖的。就这样,我们想试试看家里或许也可以有一碗浓汤,与家人朋友一起享用。
4汤匙 橄榄油
1KG 南瓜 (去皮,种子去掉,以及切成块)
700ml 鸡汤
142ml 奶油
4 片 面包 (随你喜欢)
1. 将4汤匙的橄榄油在锅里预热,然后加2汤匙洋葱,煮至软。
2. 加进1KG南瓜,再煮多10分钟。南瓜会变软。
3. 倒入鸡汤,然后煮到滚状,继续焖到多10分钟。
4. 倒入奶油, 然后再煮到滚状。最后,用搅拌器搅成南瓜泥。
5. 当浓汤在焖煮时,可以将面包切片了。
6. 将浓汤与面包摆好就可以与家人朋友享用了!
没想到我们会成功,也同时更加期待今后带来的早午餐系列。赶紧期待吧! 那,
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