"10 plums for $2" was everywhere in the market, who can resist not buying them? My mom and I went a little over the top because we bought 20 of them, but of course we gave them to our relatives and neighbours. This recipe won't hurt because it only calls for 4 plums and some ingredients found at your pantry. The rest of the plums can be use as afternoon bites. Recently, I started playing jazz music on my phone and place around the corner of my kitchen. Not only it managed to calm my senses down, it also made me more engaged in what I'm doing? It is weird. By the way, here a trick to choose plums. Whenever markets have large deals, it has a high chance that the better quality ones are already chosen. Hence its kind of important to choose what is best for you (?). For sweet plums, ensure that the plums is soft but tough enough to withstand pressure. If it is hard rock, it is still unripe so it can be really sour and tangy. However, plums that are overripe tend to be too soft which has a mushy texture, it is just unfavourable (bleh!).
This cake is perfect for gatherings, for yourself and the evening.
9 tablespoons (1 stick, plus 1 tablespoon) unsalted butter, room temperatureThis cake is perfect for gatherings, for yourself and the evening.
Ingredients: (recipe adapted from Martha Stewart )
1 cup packed light-brown sugar
4 red plums (about 1 pound), halved and pitted, each cut into 12 wedges
1 large egg
1/2 cup reduced-fat sour cream
1 cup all-purpose flour (spooned and leveled)
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon
1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
2. Place 3 tablespoons butter in an 8-inch round cake pan; melt in preheating oven, about 4 minutes.
3. Sprinkle melted butter with 1/2 cup brown sugar. Arrange overlapping plum wedges in a circle around edge of pan; repeat in center, covering bottom of pan. Set aside.
4. In a large bowl, beat together remaining 6 tablespoons butter, remaining 1/2 cup sugar, and egg. Beat in sour cream until blended. Set aside.
5. In a medium bowl, mix together flour, baking soda, salt, cinnamon. Stir flour mixture into sour-cream mixture until just combined (batter will be thick).
6. Spread batter evenly over plums. Bake until a toothpick inserted in center of cake comes out clean, about 50 minutes.
7. Cool in pan 5 minutes. Run a knife around edge of pan; invert onto a serving plate.
8. Serve warm or at room temperature.
又到的梅子的季节了,这次在菜市场,一口气买了20粒梅子。我自己也觉得好夸张。但是10粒才两块钱耶,也太划算了!不买我一定会后悔。当然这么甜美的梅子,不送给亲戚与邻居们也太没意思了,分享美好也是简单的幸福。还好这蛋糕只许要4粒梅子,剩下的可以当点心去啃。平时不是很会吃梅子,但季节来临时,就回迫不及待的想些点子来充分吃到梅子的香甜。 最近不知道为什么,常常在厨房里播爵士音乐,不但让我更加专注于烘培,同时心情也放松了许多,好奇怪。让我告诉你选梅子的技巧吧!想用甜的梅子的话,梅子本生会有些柔软但还是抵挡的了时不时的磋磨。然而,非常酸的梅子,就硬的不得了!有些梅子非常非常软,说甜是甜,可是吃起来有个不舒服的口感,我也不知道怎么说。。
1 1/2茶匙肉桂粉
1. 预热烘炉于170度。
2. 将3汤匙牛油放进蛋糕模;让牛油在预热中的烘炉里融化。
3. 将1/2杯的汤撒在已融化的牛油,然后根据蛋糕模的形状排放梅子片(从最尾端开始)。放在一旁。
4. 在另外一个碗里, 将6汤匙牛油,与剩下的糖,鸡蛋,和酸奶油,一起均匀搅拌。放在一旁。
5. 另外,将面粉,泡打粉,盐与肉桂粉搅拌。把已经混合好的面粉搅拌进牛油的混合,然后充分搅拌,最后会呈现浓厚的面糊。
6. 将面糊铺在梅子上。放进烘炉,烤大约50分钟。
7. 如果牙签插进去,拿出来时没有面糊的话,就表示烤好了!
8. 与朋友和家人分享吧!
2. 将3汤匙牛油放进蛋糕模;让牛油在预热中的烘炉里融化。
3. 将1/2杯的汤撒在已融化的牛油,然后根据蛋糕模的形状排放梅子片(从最尾端开始)。放在一旁。
4. 在另外一个碗里, 将6汤匙牛油,与剩下的糖,鸡蛋,和酸奶油,一起均匀搅拌。放在一旁。
5. 另外,将面粉,泡打粉,盐与肉桂粉搅拌。把已经混合好的面粉搅拌进牛油的混合,然后充分搅拌,最后会呈现浓厚的面糊。
6. 将面糊铺在梅子上。放进烘炉,烤大约50分钟。
7. 如果牙签插进去,拿出来时没有面糊的话,就表示烤好了!
8. 与朋友和家人分享吧!
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